If you’ve been following science and tech news lately, you’ve probably had a bunch of stories about AIOpens in a new tab and/or rocketsOpens in a new tab rolling around in your head. But you can’t sleep on another highly innovative tech sector poised for breakout growth: 3D printing. And if you need a reminder of what’s possible with these rapidly evolving object-building machines, here’s the world’s largest one constructing the world’s largest 3D-printed boat in just three days.
The boat is no joke, either. In a UMaine press releaseOpens in a new tab announcing the three world records (which comes via FuturismOpens in a new tab), the university says that the boat weighs 5,000 pounds and measures 25 feet in length. At the end of the clip below, six people stand on the boat, with what looks like room for another 10. The boat’s been dubbed 3Dirigo, which may sound nonsensical, but is a reference to Maine’s state mottoOpens in a new tab.
Moving forward, it seems like people should expect a whole lot more Guinness Records to come from this mega printer. That’s because 3Dirigo only represents a fraction of what the 3D printer can actually produce. As of right now, it’s capable of making objects up to 100 feet long, 10 feet high, and 22 feet wide. Which obviously sounds huge, but is even more astounding when you think about how big industrial printers like these will be ten years from now. Those may even be able to make this happen:

What do you think of the world’s largest 3D printer? If you had access to it, what would you print? Let us know in the comments!