The forces of Ares threaten to crush you and your sisters. You raise your battered shield and sword and prepare to rush into battle, shouting, “For ThemysciraOpens in a new tab!” Then you look at the cards in your hand, play one, and move a little plastic cube on the game board.
It might not be rushing into actual battle, but Wonder Woman: Challenge of the AmazonsOpens in a new tab aims to make you feel like a protector of Themyscira going toe to toe with foes like Ares and Circe. It will take both brains and brawn to save the island, but you’ll be standing by the side of its greatest hero: Wonder Woman.

This cooperative game for two to five players ages 10 and up pits the Amazons against some of Wonder WomanOpens in a new tab‘s classic foes. AresOpens in a new tab, The Cheetah, and Circe each have their sights set on conquering the hidden island, and it’s up to you and your fellow warriors to stop it from happening. Strategize, communicate, and defend to fight back against the enemy army and repel the invaders before they overrun Themyscira.
Has a tabletop game ever made you gasp the first time you opened the box? Challenge of the Amazons might be the one to do it. The cover art and game board feature the stunning work of Jenny Frison; the Wonder Woman cover artistOpens in a new tab captures the Amazon princess like no one else can.

Kelly Knox
Inside the box you’ll find the game board, five plastic, intricately detailed miniatures of Diana and her fellow Amazons, and a treasure trove of character and item cards, tokens, and pieces. Players will begin by facing off against Ares, the God of War, who is not only blockading areas of the island but corrupting the other Amazons on the island to turn them into unwilling allies. (The game recommends having some experience under your belt before taking on Cheetah and Circe.)
You won’t be doing it all alone. As a cooperative game, you won’t need to defeat your fellow players—you’ll all be working together against your foe by gathering forces, relics, and the power to wield the Sword of Hephaestus against him or her. Diana, Philippus, Artemis, Nu’bia, and Mala are the sisters-in-arms determined to stop the invading enemies, each with a unique ability to help turn the tide of war. Together you’ll strategize where to place your forces and how to reach your goals before it’s too late.

If you’re looking for a light strategy game for your next game night, Challenge of the Amazons is a wonder-ful pick. (Sorry, we couldn’t help ourselves.) Not only does the immersive game make you feel like you’re on the radiant island of Themyscira, there’s something for everyone to love. Fans of Greek mythology, comic books, strategy or war gaming, or just plain gorgeous art will be enchanted by the cooperative experience.
Wonder Woman: Challenge of the Amazons from Ravensburger is now available onlineOpens in a new tab and at your favorite local game store at a retail price of $34.99.
Header Image: Ravensburger