Michael Keaton is maybe the only actor who is crisscrossing between the DCEU and the MCU with ease. He terrorized Peter Parker as the Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming, with at least a cameo as the same character in the upcoming Morbius. Then, he went back to the role of Batman for The Flash. Well, according to Michael Keaton, he’s definitely returning as the Vulture again.
We learned (via Comic Book) that while appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, he revealed he will soon shoot something with the character of Adrian Toomes. All Michael Keaton would tell Kimmel was “I’m shooting tomorrow; I’m shooting Vulture stuff.” You can see him spill the beans around the fourteen-minute mark in the video below:
But what kind of Vulture stuff are we talking about here? Keaton wouldn’t say. And honestly, seeing as he gets pretty confused at the complexity of the MCU, he might not even really know. Sometimes the actors shoot cameos for Marvel projects and have no idea what they’re for. Remember when Gwyneth Paltrow had no idea she was in Spider-Man: Homecoming, years after the fact? Of course, we have a few guesses as to what the Vulture could be up to.

Our first, less exciting guess is that he’s simply shooting more scenes for Morbius. We already know he’s in that movie, thanks to the trailers giving it away. So extra scenes with Vulture are possible. But more exciting is the possibility that they’re adding him in for some kind of post-credits sequence for No Way Home. We know that Spidey fights five classic villains in the movie. That’s one villain short of a Sinister Six.
We could see a scenario where the five Spider-baddies are stuck in the MCU for good at the end (hence the title No Way Home). Imagine if Vulture approaches the five of them at the end and simply says “we need to make this a sinister six.” Sony has been trying for years to get a Sinister Six movie off the ground. Who better to head the cast than Michael Keaton? And before you say it’s too late to shoot anything for the film, we will remind you that they shot the shawarma scene in Avengers after the film’s premiere. Anything is possible these days.