YouTuber and engineer, The Q, has come up with some wild, mildly dangerous contraptions in his time. The secretive builder has, for example, come up with ways of rolling around on metal spider legs, as well as saw blades. Now, The Q is doing what The Q do once again with a metal leg brace that allows a person to look like they’re sitting in midair.
Laughing Squid picked up on The Q’s new video, which the engineer recently posted to his channel. As for context, the video’s description simply says this is a reveal of how the “Sitting in the Air Trick” is done. It adds that this support allows for a person to behave like “a great illusionist.”
Leading up to the reveal, the brief build video shows how The Q made the support brace. It involved a process that evidently included a whole lot of welding iron plates and hinges together. (If somebody didn’t know better, they’d think The Q was building a suit of armor.)

The Q
A little after the three-minute mark, the engineer shows off the metal support and how it allows for the illusion. As The Q shows, the support slots into an anchoring point in a wood board on the ground. Then all the builder needs to do is sit, and the brace folds into pieces that meet behind the knee; not folding completely thanks to two small metal wedges at the pieces’ connection points.
Anyone who now wants to see additional engineering magic should check out more of The Q’s videos. The engineer built batwings that, while not functional, would make for some next-level cosplay. The Q has also made a bicycle that has tires consisting entirely of running shoes, which, while not as illusory as this invention, may still cause dizziness!

The Q
Maybe one day we can get our hands on those braces and do a little (not really) magic to impress our friends.
Feature image: The Q