A lot of things have happened in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the Avengers last saved the world from Thanos’ grasp. New heroes are taking their place and a Multiverse has now been born. It just happened in the finale of Loki.
President of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige recently revealed on the D23 Inside Disney podcast (via The Direct) that he met with the “whole broad Marvel Studios team” recently. They’re “going through the Multiverse” to discuss, primarily, “the rules of the Multiverse and exactly how to really deliver on the excitement surrounding the Multiverse.”

He noted how in order to create the Multiverse we’re seeing develop in the MCU, Marvel initially had to “dole out” the concept of the Multiverse. Doctor Strange introduced the concept, Spider-Man: Far From Home had a fake out with a Multiverse. “In the same way, the Multiverse is something we geek out about and we really love all the storytelling potential it brings,” he said. “But, we had to dole out what it was.”
According to Feige, he planned to introduce the Multiverse to fans a little like how he planned and expected to have to educate audiences about Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury. But, it turned out, Marvel fans didn’t really need that much education.
“I thought it would be a relatively small group of people that were excited by that and that we’d have to then educate a broader public about what that meant and who Nick Fury was, but almost instantly, if you remember, way back to the Summer of 2008: it ignited everyone’s imagination.”
So what does that mean for the future of the MCU and the Multiverse? Right now, we can only wonder as the team themselves discuss how to build on that storyline. He also notes that producers Louis D’Esposito and Victoria Alonso are among the people whose “sole task” is to keep in mind how development for the films or shows “grow and evolve.”
“It’s really exciting even to see it mid-way through the Loki series now, as people respond to the possibilities.”