Kick Off Summer with a Giant Inflatable Death Star Beach Ball

When Star Wars first premiered in 1977, audiences around the globe let out loud cheers in the theater when Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star. Imagine how audiences reacted to the “ on your left” moment in Avengers: Endgame. That right there gives you a good idea of how theatergoers went wild. Millions of kids, who are now adults with kids of their own, dreamed of blowing up a Death Star. While we sadly can’t blow one up like Luke, we can inflate one and kick it around our backyard.

Kids playing with a large Death Star beach ball


Despite imagining ourselves liberating the galaxy, destroying a planet-sized battle station really wasn’t in the cards for any of us. Sorry, all you former junior X-wing pilots out there. But although we can’t hit that small thermal exhaust port, we can throw the heck out of a giant inflatable Death Star beach ball this summer. And when we say giant, we mean it. This deadly battle station comes in both a four-foot size and six-foot size. We’re guessing the bigger one represents the Death Star from Return of the Jedi if they ever got to finish it.

Just think of all the fun you’ll have, imagining the stormtroopers inside. Each rolling around and hitting their dumb helmets on the walls. And all while kicking this Death Star across the park. Or better yet, throw it in your backyard pool. It’s just like when Death Star II crashes on the planet Kef Bir, the ocean moon of Endor. However you decide to play with it, or even just display that big sucker, it sure feels like the past year owes us all a giant inflatable battle station of our own.

A giant Death Star beach ball


You can purchase one of these giant inflatable Death Stars now via Amazon, for $74.95. Don’t forget to keep a lookout for TIE fighters trying to ruin your summer.

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