BLUE’S CLUES’ Steve Has a TikTok Because He’s Really Cool (And Wants to Bring Joy)

Move over Harry Styles, Timothée Chalamet, and Tom Holland. There’s only room enough for one modern-day It Boy and it’s clearly Steve from Blue’s CluesOpens in a new tabAfter breaking the internet with a stirringly informational speech to us all, then putting it back together with a hugOpens in a new tab, Steve is back again. And this time. Yep. You guessed it, Steve from Blue’s Clue has a TikTokOpens in a new tab. How could anyone be ready for this?

We also absolutely love Steve’s username, hioutthereitsmesteve. It makes us feel very welcome. And Steve has really grown his TikTok over the last little while. In fact, he’s kind of turned into a modern-day Mr. Rogers. In his first video ever, Steve shared that he honestly had no idea what TikTok even was. And asked for… clues, as it were, from the audience to help him out. But many episodes of Blue’s Clues taught us Steve has a good head on his shoulders. And he sure has figured TikTok out in a short time.

From Blue’s Clues to our comfort king, Steve’s TikTok is all about the good vibes. His description shares, “Definitely not Mr. Rogers. You look great.” And that’s a great in sum. (Although, he definetly is Mr. Rogers.) It seems like Steve’s TikTok is a mix of inspirational messages, calming videos, and friendly check-ins. Though Steve doesn’t bring his trademark Blues Clue‘s shirt to TikTok, it definitely feels like the good old days. Maybe in one of his next videos, Blue can make an appearance. Or we can go looking for clues of some sort. We’d all love that.

BLUE’S CLUES’ Steve Has a TikTok Because He’s Really Cool (And Wants to Bring Joy)_1

Steve from Blue’s Clues has ended up making the most wholesome TikTok possible, which is such a relief and beautiful thing in this economy. Also, considering Blue’s Clues featured a huge landline phone when it first began, this clash of modernity and nostalgiaOpens in a new tab continues to be a fun one.

Somewhere, I bet Steve is singing, “We just figured out TikTok, we just figured out TikTok, we just figured out TikTok because we’re really smart.”

Originally published on November 15, 2021.