Watch The World’s Largest Jigsaw Puzzle Come Together

Thanks to the Coronavirus quarantine, a whole bunch of us have rediscovered the joysOpens in a new tab of jigsaw puzzles as a wonderful way to pass the time. But we guarantee you that you don’t love a good jigsaw puzzleOpens in a new tab as much as this guy does. Thanks to the folks over at GeekologieOpens in a new tab, we’ve learned about a Youtuber and puzzle enthusiast going by the name of Andre FOpens in a new tab. Andre’s dedication to putting together a singular puzzle is without compare. He recently finished the world’s largest single image jigsaw, which has a whopping 42,000 pieces.

You can watch a time lapse video of Andre F putting together the world’s biggest jigsaw down below:

The ‘Around The World’ puzzle by Educa, one of the world’s leading jigsaw companies, measures an enormous 24.6 feet x 5.2 feet when all is said and done. And it took Andre eleven months to finish. We’re not entirely sure what’s crazier: that it took nearly a full year to complete this puzzle, or the fact that someone actually manufactured a puzzle of this scale in the first place.

All of this was done before the current COVID-19 quarantineOpens in a new tab, but one can’t help but wonder if it would have taken Andre F half the time to finish it if he were stuck at home. So, you know…a more reasonable 5 1/2 months or so. The put-together final puzzle appears to be a collage of images of famous monuments from all over the world.

But the real question I’ve got about this puzzle is this: just where the heck does someone hang something like this?? It would be a crime to take it apart after the fact, but unless someone’s got a castle as their second home, we’re not sure where one places such a thing. Please show us where you displayed this colossus of a puzzle—please, Andre. We might be more curious about that than anything else!

Featured Image: YouTube / Andre F