THE FLASH #750 Reunites Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato

When The FlashOpens in a new tab speeds into his 750th issue this March, he’ll be bringing along a truly epic roster of creators. This milestone book promises to visit numerous generations of speedsters and cover a large swath of The Flash mythos. While we’re eager to read all of these tales, it’s the reunion of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato that really has the lightning in our blood crackling.

DCOpens in a new tab‘s 2011 line-wide reboot known as The New 52 saw the company shake up all their titles with new creative teams, new directions, and new starting points. The FlashOpens in a new tab by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato quickly rose to the top of the pack and became a clear fan-favorite. Longtime readers loved the stunning artwork, and new readers were happy to have a palatable jumping on point. And that makes sense—let’s face it; for a comic about a dude who runs really fast, The Flash can be insanely complex and more than a little convoluted.

The Flash speeds toward the reader on the cover of The Flash #750.

DC Comics

The New 52 made hopping into the world of The Flash easy, and that’s because of the stellar work from Manapul and Buccellato. Their run was nothing short of amazing and it’s been a bummer for fans like us that they hadn’t partnered up again until now… and clearly, they feel the same way. “It definitely felt like it had been too long,” Buccellato told Nerdist. “And although we always talk about doing our next project together, the realities of life and time flying by always seems to punt our collaborations down the road. So, until time slows down for us, or we are able to tap into the speed force a little, The Flash #750 was the perfect opportunity to jam together.”

When you read their pages in The Flash #750, it’s pretty clear that Buccellato and Manapul have stepped seamlessly back into their groove. This one of those special creative teams that leave a real impact on a character. For a whole generation of comic book readers, Manapul and Buccellato’s run was their very first set of Flash comics, and that is something worth celebrating. “Reuniting for this was an awesome experience for the both of us,” Buccellato said. “Francis called it ‘getting the band back together,’ and he was right… We picked up our instruments and started playing the way we used to. Like no time had passed.”

The Flash #750 hits comic book store shelves on March 4th, so you still have time to pre-order it. In the meantime, you can check out a preview of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato’s story below. It’s gorgeous stuff, which should come as absolutely no surprise. Speed through these pages and then get hyped for The Flash #750, as it’s going to be a hell of a ride. We’d also highly recommend revisiting Manapul and Buccellato’s original run on The Flash, as it was seriously fantastic.

Enjoy the pages below!

Barry Allen and Iris chat over coffee in the comic book pages of The Flash #750.

DC Comics

The Flash faces off with Gorilla Grodd in The Flash #750.

DC Comics

The Flash #750 by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato PG. 3 from DC Comics

DC Comics

Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato Reunite for THE FLASH #750_1

DC Comics

Images: DC Comics