We’ve seen some impressive LEGO Star Wars displays created by fans over the years. Does anyone remember that incredible LEGO Galactic Senate Chamber? As cool as that was, we think someone just topped it. This one is so impressive, it literally took years to finish. David Hall of the YouTube channel Solid Brix Studios has created incredible LEGO Star Wars builds before, like the Jedi Temple. Now, he’s just outdone himself again. He’s turned his attention to the Battle of Geonosis from the animated The Clone Wars series. You can see the whole thing come together in a 9-minute time-lapse video below:
This Star Wars project took Solid Brix over two years to create, and is a whopping 15 feet long. And there are over 250 thousand LEGO pieces in it. Now, you may think this battle is the one from the end of Attack of the Clones. The one where Yoda whipped out his lightsaber for the first time. But as the Solid Brix tour of the full LEGO build on TikTok reveals, it’s actually from the second Battle of Geonosis. It’s the one from The Clone Wars episode “Landing at Point Rain.” It may be a different battle, but it’s the same planet. Not to mention, all the same players. You’ve got the Grand Army of the Republic, the Jedi Knights, the native Geonosians, and the Battle Droid army.

The Battle of Geonosis LEGO build has some incredibly cool details, all pertaining to the episodes of The Clone Wars it’s based on. In fact, the best little Easter egg in the set is a tiny theater inside the build actually playing that particular episode for some loyal Clone Troopers. To paraphrase another famous Lucasfilm character, this LEGO Clone Wars build is so great “It belongs in a museum!” We’re not sure how the Solid Brix folks plans to outdo it, but we can’t wait to see which Star Wars moment they try to recreate on a grand scale next. For more incredible LEGO builds, ranging from Star Wars to Lord of the Rings, head on over to the official Solid Brix YouTube channel.