SPIDER-MAN 3 Now Has an Actual Title

Ah, Spider-Man 3. We know so little about youOpens in a new tab. Not even your title. We’ve heard some rumors involving the multiverse and the appearance of other actors who have played Spider-Man. Benedict Cumberbatch will join the cast as Doctor Strange. Jamie Foxx and Alfred Molina are supposed to reprise their roles as Electro and Doc Ock, respectively. But still, that’s not much. Now we know a teensy bit more because stars Tom HollandOpens in a new tab, Jacob BatalonOpens in a new tab, and ZendayaOpens in a new tab shared the first official images from Spider-Man 3 on Tuesday afternoon via their Instagram accounts. They also teased possible titles. Let’s look at the images first.

Peter Parker, MJ, and Ned Leeds in a room with light on their faces Peter Parker, MJ, and Ned Leeds in a room with light on their faces


Both shots feature Holland (Peter Parker), Zendaya (MJ), and Jacob Batalon (Ned Leeds) seemingly exploring a dark and kinda creepy place. That sort of spot seems like it’s very much MJ’s jam. Small amounts of light penetrate in both images. This is a stretch and only a guess but maybe Peter’s in hiding temporarily since J. Jonah JamesonOpens in a new tab revealed his secret identity at the end of Far from Home. Whatever they’re doing or wherever they’re at, I’m getting The GooniesOpens in a new tab vibes for some reason.

This shot that Zendaya shared looks a little different:

Peter, Ned, and MJ look at a computer


And then there are the title teases. Both Holland and Batalon said on Instagram they were excited to share the new Spider-Man title. Holland shared Spider-Man: Phone Home. Batalon posted Spider-Man: Home-Wrecker. Zendaya followed up with my personal favorite, Spider-Man: Home Slice. All three logos are fully designed and look legit. And having the word “home” in the title is expected so that it follows the styling of the first two films. I don’t think either of these are the actual title (at least I hope not), but I appreciate the chaos of this stunt. Still, maybe both of those phrases will play into Spider-Man 3? Or maybe multiple titles could be a nod to the multiverse?

Spider-Man: Phone Home title card Spider-Man: Home-Wrecker title card Spider-Man: Home Slice title card


Whatever’s happening, this reveal likely means we will get some more official information about Spider-Man 3 soon—like the actual title. Until then, definitely don’t look up Phone Home on Twitter because you’ll discover that many people, like Captain America, don’t get that reference.

And of course, we did get the actual title from director Jon Watts the next day. The gag is that Watts didn’t trust Holland to keep the title, Spider-Man: No Way Home, a secret. Sony confirmed the title in a hilarious bit featuring stars Tom Holland, Jacob Batalon, and Zendaya “discovering” they were given false information—and subsequently arguing over whether Holland is really that much of a spoiler threat. It’s really quite adorable.

Spider-Man: No Way Home will debut on December 17, 2021.

Spider-Man: No Way Home title card.


Originally published on February 23, 2020.

Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist and the author of The Jedi Mind, available nowOpens in a new tab. Follow her on TwitterOpens in a new tab and InstagramOpens in a new tab.