The end of April is a turning point, season-wise. We’re deep in the throes of spring and the air is still a bit nippy but warmer weather is finally starting to take hold. As such, it’s the perfect time to start mentally preparing for those sunny summer vibes. (And stocking up on sunscreen.) But two of Nerdist‘s favorite internet pets are already in full summer mode. The otters Hana and Kotaro are always up to something, whether discovering optical illusions or learning how to use a popcorn machine. In a recent video, the YouTube channel KOTSUMET showed the otters getting ready for summer. Start preparing now because the following video features adorable otters playing and swimming in a pool. (And getting into fights with a hose.)
It’s a busy day in Hana and Kotaro‘s household, as the fam trades out the winter pool for a sweet new summer pool. Disassembling the old pool, cleaning up the space, and assembling and filling the new pool is a lot of work. Luckily Hana and Kotaro helped out—if one can call it that. The two curious otters move about the deck with an air of importance, even if they’re not doing any of the heavy lifting.
However, summer prep is not without plenty of drama, although it is exclusively hose-related. Kotaro is a massive fan of the hose. Hana, not so much. She doesn’t like the hose at all. Kotaro tries to play with the hose—which is distracting for the task at hand, but is just too cute to ignore—but Hana doesn’t trust it and goes into attack mode. Luckily nap time ends the stand-off. (During nap time, the owners do most of the actual pool assembly.)

Once the pool is up and running—though not even totally full—the sweet little otters can’t control their excitement and hop right in. Kotaro, especially. Their owners noted in the video that he’ll swim for hours, which seems like a great way to spend time for an otter. Hana, on the other hand, is more into pacing herself.
The otters are so curious, moving through the pool and trying to figure out the different parts of the contraption. It’s truly such a delight to watch. We can only hope that KOTSUMET continues to provide sweet otter pool shenanigans all summer long.