We all need hobbies. That’s a fact of life. And many of those hobbies involve yarn. Some of us knit with yarn. Some of us crochet with yarn. A fair few of us just buy a lot of beautiful yarn and say one day we’ll do something with it. And some of us… recreate a stop-motion video of Netflix’s intro montage using $30 worth of yarn. Hey, we aren’t complaining. Honestly, this stop-motion project feels really cool. Netflix’s “Tudum” intro does have a stunning array of colors. And it has many vertical lines that lend themselves well to stop-motion yarn videos. The hand-eye-brain coordination necessary to piece this together seems immense. Kudos to you, Kevin Parry.
The description for this stop-motion video shares:
For now [sic] reason at all, I took on the challenge of recreating the Netflix ‘ta-dum’ intro with YARN! Why? Because I love stop-motion and challenging myself.
Seems reasonable to us! In his video, Kevin Parry shares more about his process. First, he analyzes the video, taking a look at the different shots that comprise Netflix’s intro. Then we get started. From storyboard to execution to results, we honestly feel riveted. Who knew a) yarn and b) the Netflix intro could offer up so much stop-motion fun.

And the results give us exactly what we hope for. A nearly identical version of Netflix’s famous intro as the “Tudum” sound accompanies it. So why even do it? Parry asks. The process did get a bit tedious. And the end result gives us something we already had. Well, for the fun of it. For the sheer delight of our minds being blown by yarn.

Here’s just the final product for those interested.
Not bad for $30 dollars worth. We can’t wait to see what Kevin Parry will cook up next.