These Miniatures Bring Jim Henson’s Magical Worlds to Life

If you’ve ever wanted to bring the magical world of Jim Henson home then you’re in luck as hobby company BrokenToad are currently running a Kickstarter that will allow you to own a multitude of miniatures based on Dark Crystal and Labyrinth.

These Jim Henson Miniatures Are Magical_1

BrokenToad, The Henson Company

The officially licensed highly detailed 1/10 scale busts and 1/24 scale full figure resin miniatures focus on your favorite characters and creatures from both of Henson’s most famous fantasy films. Whether you’re a fan of the Gelfling or love a Skeksie—or if you just always wanted to paint your own miniature Jennifer Connelly—you’ll likely be charmed by these stunning sculpts.

The team are clearly as passionate about Henson as we are, sharing on their project page, “Many factors that have lead us to our love of model sculpture, one of the most influential of these has been the great Jim Henson. We spent much of our youth immersed in the worlds Jim created and are so excited to have been given the opportunity to work with The Jim Henson Company and to create miniature models of our favorite characters.” The gorgeous collection of miniatures were sculpted by Alastair Reid, Barruz Studio, James W Cain, Joaquin Palacios, and Lucas Pina Penichet.

These Jim Henson Miniatures Are Magical_2

BrokenToad, The Henson Company

We’re definitely going to be practicing our painting so that we can do these lovely creations justice. Who knows, maybe if we’re lucky, miniature painter extraordinaire Henry Cavill will give us a private lesson! The worlds of Dark Crystal and Labyrinth are ones that we here at Nerdist are incredibly passionate about, so these lovely collectibles are perfectly aligned with our interests and our need for new hobbies to take up our frequently more freed up time.

You can get a look at more of the stunning miniatures in our gallery below!

Header Image: BrokenToad, The Henson Company

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