This Fan Made DUNE Poster Dazzles the Eyes

Denis Villeneuve’s DuneOpens in a new tab is still months away, but the anticipation makes the days stretch out forever. After a precious few photosOpens in a new tab from the sci-fi epic recently arrived, fans’ imaginations soared. Many fans have spent the time waiting for the film’s premiere by creating unofficial artOpens in a new tab and posters, and we can’t help but be dazzled by one artist’s movie poster in particular.

Haley TurnbullOpens in a new tab turned the first high-definition stills from the film into a movie poster that captures the imagination.

Dune by Haley Turnbull

Legendary Pictures / Warner Bros., Art by Hayley Turnbull

While the character stills are familiar sights by now as we’ve all stared at them constantly since they debuted on Vanity FairOpens in a new tab (especially Oscar Issac, had to be said), Turnbull’s use of the photographs is stunning in its simplicity. The focus is just as much on the sprawling sands of Arrakis as it is the eye-catching characters.

On RedditOpens in a new tab, Turnbull mentioned that the catchphrase on her poster was inspired by the first original, iconic movie poster. “[That] line is from the poster of the 1984 DUNE film,” she says. “With no tag line yet for the current film, I used that one.”

The original tagline proclaims, “A world beyond your experience, beyond your imagination.”

Follow Turnbull on InstagramOpens in a new tab for more striking art and photography.

Whether you’re a long time fan of DuneOpens in a new tab, or you’ve never picked up the book, it’s not too late to join the Nerdist Book Club in reading Frank Herbert’s classic! Here’s the first episode discussing the novel in detail, and you can catch up in time for the next in-depth discussion.

Join the Nerdist Book ClubOpens in a new tab at 5:00 PM Pacific on Wednesdays on the Nerdist YouTube channelOpens in a new tab to keep the conversation going. The wine spice must flow!

Denis Villeneuve’s Dune arrives in theaters on December 18, 2020.

Featured Image: Warner Bros. Pictures / Legendary Pictures, Art by Hayley Turnbull

Editor’s note: Nerdist is a subsidiary of Legendary Digital Networks.