Dancing Pikachu Meme Videos Are Here To Make Your Day Better

Detective Pikachu hits theaters this Friday and the viral marketing campaign for the film is simply the best. This week, a “leaked” version of the filmOpens in a new tab was tweeted out, but the link was really more of an epic Rick Roll. Instead of the actual film, it was just an hour and a half video of Pikachu joyfully dancing. It’s a real treat to watch.

The video was even loaded with Easter Eggs, like this clever nod to a famous Key & Peele sketch.

It turns out, the video was also a meme factory. Twitter users far and wide put their own tracks over Pikachu’s stellar dance moves. Here’s one set to A-Ha’s “Take On Me.”

Here’s another one of Pikachu dancing to the Velistone Game Corner music from Pokémon.

In this one, he dances to DMX’s “Party Up (Up In Here).”

He gets funky here, grooving to Earth Wind & Fire’s “September.”

Here he gets down to the 1980s hit “Boom Boom Dollar” by King Kong & D. Jungle Girls.

Even the Critical Role theme music fits with the video!

So does the “House Building” Theme from Red Dead Redemption 2.

The Eurythmic’s “Sweet Dreams” fits so well it almost feels eerie.

Oh, and this “Old Town Road” mash-up is just great.

And finally, what dance party is complete without some Britney Spears?

Thank you, Detective Pikachu, for the extra smiles this week!

Images: Legendary