Christopher Eccleston Returns to DOCTOR WHO

Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor ushered in a new era of Doctor Who. For some fans, he is their first Doctor. For others, he brought back a show they had been missing for decades. The Ninth Doctor’s run only lasted one season but now he’s really coming back for some new adventures. BBC Studios and Big FinishOpens in a new tab are collaborating for a new Ninth Doctor audio series starring Christopher EcclestonOpens in a new tab. It’s the actor’s first time returning to the role since his 2005 exit.

The series will be a collection of four box sets with the first one materializing in May 2021. The subsequent sets will debut in August 2021, November 2021, and February 2022. There are no current details about the plots, writers, and other cast members. But, Doctor Who fans will undoubtedly rush to grab their downloads and discs.

This isn’t the Ninth Doctor’s first foray into the Big Finish world. Several narrative mini-stories known as Short Trips and other collections include the character. They are fun adventures but nothing beats the actual Doctor back to his role. Nine’s only companion is Rose Tyler (fight us, Adam stans) so it’s almost a given that Billie Piper will reprise her role as well. It’s always a possibility that he could simply enjoy some solo adventures with one-off companions too. Conspiracy theorist Clive FinchOpens in a new tab did have some extensive stories about the Ninth Doctor showing up all over space and time, after all.

In spirit of Nine, Christopher Eccleston’s comment on his return is short and straight to the point.

“After 15 years it will be exciting to revisit the Ninth Doctor’s world, bringing back to life a character I love playing.”
Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor in front of fire burst background

Charlotte Tromans/BBC

Big Finish chairman Jason Haigh-Ellery reveals that the conversation about Eccleston’s return took place back in February. “I first talked to Christopher about returning to the role of the Doctor at a fan convention in February this year,” said Haigh-Ellery. “Christopher said he was enjoying meeting the fans and was pleased that his Doctor was remembered so fondly. I am so pleased that Christopher has decided to return to the role with us – and I’m excited to welcome him to the Big Finish family as we discover the new adventures of the Ninth Doctor.”

And on December 14, Big Finish shared a picture of Eccleston with script in hand. It looks like this volume is called “Ravagers.”

Almost assuredly the fan convention in question is Gallifrey One in Los Angeles. Eccleston was one of that convention’s major guests and fans greeted him with standing ovations during his two mainstage panels and lines around the building for photos and autographs. Love like that will make you want to come back in a hurry.

Pre-orders for the digital downloads, first box set, vinyl, and complete bundle are all available exclusively at Big Finish’s websiteOpens in a new tab. No one knows where these adventures will go but the ride will certainly be fantastic.

Featured Image: Charlotte Tromans/BBC

Originally published August 9, 2020.