Will we ever tire of Baby Yoda? Not a chance in hell. We’re all collectively obsessed with the little green fellow from The Mandalorian. Every last person on Earth, actually. He will unite us all in the wars to come. We will raise our banners in his name. (Which we don’t actually know yet.) He’s the only good thing in this miserable world and he must be protected at all costs.
Maybe that’s a touch too far, but we can’t help it. We’re smittenOpens in a new tab. And so is musician Jonathan Mann, who created the perfect tribute to Baby Yoda: an adorable and catchy lullaby that’s been making the rounds on TikTok. It also exists on Mann’s YouTube channel, where you can watch it over and over and over again. Trust us–you’re about to get addicted to this song.
Like all things TikTok, the premise is relatively simple. It’s really just images of Baby Yoda–or “the child” or “the kid” as he’s known on The Mandalorian–floating around in his little pod, being absolutely adorableOpens in a new tab by merely existing. Mann dressed the video with accompanying lyrics that we are absolutely certain we’ll have stuck in our heads forevermore. Here are the full lyrics to “Baby’s Yoda Lullaby”:
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
The galaxy is going to hell
But we’ve fallen under your spell
Baby, little baby you’re the one
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
There’s a dark side and a light
But I never knew I needed you in my life
Baby, oh baby you’re the one
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
Baby Yoda, baby baby Yoda
Simple, but powerful, and perfectly delivered in a way that makes it repeatable to any cute thing you might encounter. We recommend singing this to your dog, cat, goldfish, hamster–even a real human baby will do. Any creature that conjures similar emotions to Baby YodaOpens in a new tab in your life deserves to hear “Baby Yoda’s Lullaby.”

Many thanks to Jonathan Mann for creating this tune. According to his YouTube page, the lullaby is part of an ongoing project for the Jersey City musician, who has written a song per day for the last 10 years. His songs cover everything from celebrity culture to politics to completely random whatnots and are all as catchy as “Baby Yoda’s Lullaby” (which is the 3,974th song in Mann’s project). You can check them out for yourself hereOpens in a new tab or visit Mann’s website with more information hereOpens in a new tab.
We still don’t know all that much about Baby Yoda in the context of The Mandalorian, but we’re looking forward to discovering more about the little guy as new episodes air each Friday on Disney+Opens in a new tab. All we know is that next time we see him getting into trouble on the series, we’ll have “Baby Yoda’s Lullaby” playing in our head.
Featured Image: Lucasfilm