In a move that put him one step closer to becoming Nixon from FuturamaOpens in a new tab, Amazon CEO, and Blue OriginOpens in a new tab founder Jeff Bezos climbed into the cockpit of a 13-foot-tall mech at this year’s MARS conference in Palm Springs, California and showed off the mighty power of one hell of a big, beautiful robot body. And all we can say is AROOOOOOOO!!!
Information on the MARS conference itself—that’s Machine learning, home Automation, Robotics, and Space exploration—is a bit scant, although it has been reported in the pastOpens in a new tab as an “exclusive, invite-only conference” that had “celebrities and lightsabers.” From clips and stories posted online, it seems like something akin to a fancy CES for aerospace and tech VIPs.
In the below clip, which was posted by Twitter user @calebgrowsfood and comes via The VergeOpens in a new tab, Bezos shows off what this beast of a bot can do. Which it turns out is essentially upper-body jazzercise moves. (And left, and right, and left and right, and kick, and now TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND DUMP HUMANITY INTO THE VOLCANOES.)
@JeffBezosOpens in a new tab “Why do I feel so much like #sigourneyweaverOpens in a new tab ?” @amazonOpens in a new tab #MARS2017Opens in a new tab #openpodbaydoorsOpens in a new tab in a new tab
— Caleb Harper (@calebgrowsfood) March 20, 2017Opens in a new tab
The massive mech that weighs in at 1.5 tons (about 3,300 pounds), is the creation of the South Korean tech company, Hankook Mirae TechnologyOpens in a new tab. It’s been dubbed the Method-2, was designed by concept artist Vitaly Bulgarov (who’s worked on films such as the upcoming live-action Ghost in the ShellOpens in a new tab) and first made the rounds on the internet back in January of this yearOpens in a new tab. Aside from having some pretty nuts physical specs, it also has an impressive price tag at a whopping $200 million. But is there any price tag that’s too high to, as Bezos says, “feel so much like Sigourney Weaver [from Alien]”? Or like an AMP pilot from Avatar? When the robot can only move its arms and legs like a big robo-baby, yes is probably the answer.
In the video below employees at Hankook Mirae show off the Method-2’s moves. Note how the arm movements of the mech are mimicked by its pilot, and how easily those big Crossfit-ish robo-legs could squash Xenomorphs:
What do you think about billionaire Bezos in a big ol’ bot? Have the headless body of Agnew type out your response in the comments below!
Images: Jeff Bezos/twitter/ Opens in a new tabFoxOpens in a new tab