The World’s Last Blockbuster Video Is Now on Airbnb

Blockbuster Video was once ubiquitous in American lifeOpens in a new tab back in the ’90s. The familiar blue and gold sign was as recognizable as the Coca-Cola logo. Many of us made Fridays “Blockbuster night.” We have fond memories of renting copies of Jurassic ParkOpens in a new tab or Matrix from their shelves. The last rental location left standing these days is in Bend, Oregon. For a lucky few, however, the world’s last Blockbuster is about to become a time machine that takes you right back to the era of Fresh PrinceOpens in a new tab and 90210.

Blockbuster Video exterior


The manager is transforming America’s last Blockbuster Video storeOpens in a new tab in operation into an AirbnbOpens in a new tab. It comes complete with a full retro ’90s living room, VCR, and of course, a well stocked snack stand. The “living room” has ’90s sitcom style decor. It includes a sofa sleeper covered in bed sheets that you probably owned as a kid. Store manager Sandi Harding listed the iconic establishment for an end of summer sleepover for Deschutes County residents. This is being done as an appreciation for the local community. People have been supporting the last-of-its-kind store during these incredibly difficult times.

Blockbuster Video Airbnb


The three one-night stays will give guests an opportunity to experience a ’90s themed sleepover and relive that bygone Friday night tradition. Those who request to book must be Deschutes County residents and all come from the same household. The latter is in order to minimize coronavirus transmission risk. Additionally, Airbnb will make a donation to the Humane Society of Central Oregon, a longtime partner of the store close to manager Sandi Harding’s heart, to celebrate the store.

Blockbuster Video VHS player


Blockbuster Video aficionados who aren’t able to make one of the three bookings can take advantage of the store’s “Callgorithm,” which will allow them to receive tailored movie recommendations. They can also show support by visiting their online shopOpens in a new tab for some classic blue and yellow Blockbuster Video gear.

You can view the listing at in a new tab.

Featured Image: Airbnb