SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Trailer Takes Spidey to Europe

Last time we saw him on screen, Peter Parker kinda fell to pieces (sorry). But it looks like things are going to be okay for the wall-crawling webslinger, as he’s full of smooth swinging moves and awkward real-life moments in the new trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home. His costumes are a little darker, though, with black replacing blue on the classic Spider-suit, and a full-on stealth costume that shares some DNA with Nic Cage’s Spider-Man Noir duds from Into the Spider-Verse. On vacation, he still can’t seem to escape getting into trouble, because Spider-senses never take a day off.

We also got an international teaser, with a different intro and some alternate footage!

And yes, as if there were any doubt, Jake Gyllenhaal brings Mysterio to life in all his fishbowl-headed glory. According to Gyllenhaal, the movie centers on his relationship with Peter, which he calls a completely new dynamic. The would-be enemies seemingly team up to face creatures called Elementals, one of whom might be Hydro-Man. We’re guessing Mysterio makes a heel turn somewhere along the way, given that he’s usually a major villain and all, but as Peter Porker reminded us in Into the Spider-verse, things can always get weirder than we expect them to. And that’s usually a good thing.


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Nick Fury’s looking better, too, though of course nothing here acknowledges what happened to the two of them during the Snappening. That’s for Endgame to teach us!

Image: Sony