Raise your hand if you like books! We’re guessing it applies to at least a few of you. If you’re the type who always has multiple book recommendations, piles of unread tomes, and an unbridled enthusiasm for reading, then Book Nerd is for you. This new collection from illustrator Holly Maguire offers glimpses into the lives of bookish people. Cute and immensely relatable illustrations show various aspects of bookworm life. And Nerdist has an exclusive peek inside the pages to share with you today.
First, the timeless quandary: how many books to pack for your vacation? And no, the answer is not to just take an e-reader. We may be fans of digital books, but sitting on the beach with a Kindle is not the same experience.

Workman Publishing
The next image by Maguire considers reading in different seasons. While I do appreciate reading outdoors in a shady spot from time to time, getting cozy on the couch with a blanket has appeal regardless of the weather.

Workman Publishing
And finally, Maguire nails some real signs of being a book nerd in this spread. Those of us who have absolutely dropped books on their faces while reading in bed get it.

Workman Publishing
I am charmed. And I feel very seen.
That’s just a taste of the Book Nerd. Besides tons of images like the ones above, the pages feature quotes about reading and facts about notable libraries. It’s the ideal gift for the book lover and/or Bookstagrammer in your life. The book even comes with bookmarks you can tear out and put to work.

Workman Publishing
Book Nerd is available to purchase now.
And hey, if you can’t stop reading, don’t forget to check out Nerdist Book Club.
All illustrations excerpted from Book Nerd. Illustrated by Holly Maguire. Workman Publishing © 2021
Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist and the author of A Kid’s Guide to Fandom, available for pre-order now. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.