The Umbrella Academy season three is perhaps one of the most anticipated TV returns in 2022. We are among the throng of fans waiting for The Hargreeves (well, the ones we know so far) to return. And we cannot wait for the Sparrow Academy to make their live-action debut. There are many things we want to see in The Umbrella Academy season three, but we weren’t sure when the show would return. Finally, Netflix gave us the great blessing of not only a return announcement but a teaser to give us a glimpse at the Sparrow collective.
The Umbrella Academy season three’s release date is June 22. That still feels very far away, but it means we will get some exciting things to kick off Summer 2022. The teaser shows several of the Hargreeves, including Vanya, Luther, Klaus, and Allison, standing off against the Sparrows. The tension is high, and the message is simple: The Sparrows have landed. We see quite a few of them, including Sparrow Number One Marcus, at the forefront. And I, your writer, must say that the number one spot is where he belongs. Justin Cornwell, whom many of us know as young Jeronicus Jangle from Jingle Jangle, looks quite good in his suit. But I digress.

If you’re a fan of the show and wondering who the heck the Sparrow Academy are and why they are beefin’ with our folks, this Umbrella Academy season three summary might give you some more insight:
Smart, stylish, and about as warm as a sea of icebergs, the Sparrows immediately clash with the Umbrellas in a violent face-off that turns out to be the least of everyone’s concerns. Navigating challenges, losses, and surprises of their own – and dealing with an unidentified destructive entity wreaking havoc in the Universe (something they may have caused) — now all they need to do is convince Dad’s new and possibly better family to help them put right what their arrival made wrong.

The plot thickens indeed. The Umbrella Academy season three release date and teaser have us ready to get back into this wacky and violent world once again.