These Vibrant Philip K. Dick Short Story Covers Are a Dream

They say not to judge a book by its cover, but that can be an almost impossible task. Especially with amazing companies like The Folio Society upping the game for stunning cover illustrations. Last year, they announced a limited-edition Dune cover that took our collective breath away. And now, they’re releasing a set of absolutely gorgeous covers for Philip K. Dick’s short stories.

Philip K. Dick’s The Complete Short Stories, which we saw at io9, are on sale now at The Folio Society’s website. The box set contains all 118 pieces of Dick’s short fiction. The four-volume set also features 24 illustrations by 24 different artists. Even better? The books come with vibrant, neon covers that really exemplify the science-fiction author’s writing style. They’ll make you want to tumble right into his fantastical worlds.

The Folio Society covers for Philip K. Dick's short story collections.The Folio Society

The Folio Society is no stranger to Philip K. Dick. They previously released covers for some of his most celebrated novels, like The Man in the High CastleUbik, A Scanner Darkly, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? According to their website, Dick’s estate approached them to release the short story collections. 

Here’s more information about the release from The Folio Society website:

Limited to 750 copies, this box set features a dizzying array of elements, from the two-part presentation box and bindings, designed by independent studio La Boca, to the carefully chosen endpapers and eye-popping colour scheme. Twenty-four illustrators were commissioned to create one image each for a Philip K. Dick short story chosen specially for them. A work of art on every level, The Complete Short Stories is the definitive edition – an essential set not only for science-fiction aficionados, but for anyone with a passion for illustrative art and 20th century literature.  

Illustration from The Folio Society's Philip K. Dick short story collection.The Folio Society

The collection contains stories that inspired films like Minority Report and Total Recall. Along with so many other transcendent, iconic bits of science-fiction literature. This is really a dream for any fans of Philip K. Dick. If you fall into that camp, be sure to act fast. There are only 750 of these collections in existence. They’ll set you back $745, but it’s worth it to own such an exquisite, original set.

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