Spider-Man: No Way HomeOpens in a new tab is maybe the most talked about Marvel film that no one has seen a frame of yet. And that’s because the third MCU Spidey film is shrouded in mystery. Will it contain the Multiverse? (Almost definitely). Will Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield appear? (Unclear). So many questions! But Marvel has just revealedOpens in a new tab several products for the upcoming filmOpens in a new tab, some of which give away some possibly spoilery details. Here are the toys that stand out the most.
Funko! Pops

FunkoOpens in a new tab is releasing a series of No Way Home Pop! vinyl figures, and many of these seemingly give away key plot points. For starters, we’ve got an “Integrated Suit Spider-Man,” which appears to show Peter Parker doing spells. There’s also a version of Doctor StrangeOpens in a new tab wearing some very ordinary civilian clothes with a shovel. (Guess you can’t always dress up for magic shows). And there’s a spiffy black and gold suit Spidey, which is a Target exclusive. How many suits is Peter going to have in this movie?


In terms of LEGO sets, aside from the one in Doctor Strange’s SanctumOpens in a new tab, one set showcases the new black and gold-suited Spider-Man fighting the VultureOpens in a new tab. This seems to be our first confirmation that Michael Keaton’s Spider-Man: Homecoming villain will return for another battle with the wall crawler. Other sets with No Way Home branding feature events from previous movies. But the black and gold Spidey vs. Vulture heavily implies it takes place within the new film.
Marvel Legends

And there are also several Marvel Legends 6″ figuresOpens in a new tab. Including one which shows more detail on the black and gold Spider-Man suit. If we were to venture a guess as to the reason for this costume, it would make sense for Peter to wear it in, say, a big scene with two other Spider-Men. Just for differentiation. This is just our educated guess and nothing more, folks. Also among these Marvel Legends figures is a J. Jonah Jameson, which officially welcomes J.K. Simmons into the line.
And there are several other Spider-Man: No Way Home toys, including figures featuring Doctor Strange, MJ, and Ned. Nothing for Doc OckOpens in a new tab or Electro just yet. Now, where is that No Way Home trailer?
To see the complete line of Spider-Man: No Way Home products, head on over to Marvel.comOpens in a new tab.