Trying to guess the title of the latest chapter in the Star Wars saga is just part of being a nerd. Ever since Disney announced the sequel trilogy, fans everywhere have been sharing their ideas for potential titles. But what if we told you someone guessed not only the name The Rise of Skywalker, but also that it featured the return of Emperor Palpatine? And he tweeted it all out over six years ago?
Star Wars Episode 7 The Rise of Skywalker. The Emperor lives.
— Gabriel Garcia (@GabbyG41) November 22, 2012
As you can see, someone on Twitter named Gabriel Garcia guessed that a future Star Wars film would be named “The Rise of Skywalker,” and that it would feature the return of Darth Sidious himself. Okay, so he got the episode number wrong. He guessed it would be the title for Episode VII, which at the time of his tweet was still three years away. But hey, nobody’s perfect.
This tweet was made just weeks after the announcement that Disney had purchased Lucasfilm, even before JJ Abrams had signed on to direct the film. Yoda always said that through the Force, one can see the future. Well, Gabriel clearly tapped into something Force-like the day he made that tweet. We think Yoda would be amused.

The person who made this incredibly accurate tweet has not posted a single thing since April of 2013. In fact, he only has 89 tweets total. His twitter profile pic is a tucan, so we don’t even know what they look like in real life. But we sincerely hope Gabriel steps forward, and explains his Jedi-like ability to see six years into the future so accurately. Maybe someone will give him that medal they never gave Chewbacca.
Images: Lucasfilm