I’m pretty obsessed with dinosaurs and the film Jurassic Park, but Michael Crichton’s original novel isn’t the only book about dinosaurs. Growing in popularity in recent years, dinosaur erotica and dinosaur-themed romance novels sound exactly like what you are imagining. Unlike paranormal romance novels where demure women tap into their animal instincts to make love to supernatural creatures (like handsome werewolves and glittery vampires), dinosaurs ARE REAL. Sure humans and dinosaurs never met (as far as I know), but in dinosaur romance novels logic isn’t the point.
These stories are about the push and pull between lust and bloodlust. Here are five examples of dinosaur erotica to get you started on your journey towards self-discovery, sixty-five million years in the making.
Gay T-Rex Law Firm: Executive Boner
by Chuck Tingle
“I let out a sigh. Guess I’m ****** these dinosaurs tonight”
A young man named Donny gets hired at the prestigious dinosaur law firm. He’s nervous; jobs are tough to come by in this economy, but he’s bright-eyed and determined. Like all entry-level jobs however, Donny gets more than he bargained for when he signs a contract that says he must have sex with his T-Rex bosses. A Chuck Tingle classic, Gay T-Rex Law Firm: Executive Boner says even T-Rex lawyers need love of the roaringly wild variety.
Eternal Craving
by Nina Bangs
“Shedding all human thoughts, he mounted his primitive soul for a last wild ride.”
One of the picks for Felicia Day’s Vaginal Fantasy book club, Eternal Cravings follows Al, a man with the soul of an Allosaurus, whom must quell his most primal urges when he crosses paths with a reporter named Jenna Maloy in the city of Philadelphia. Part of a larger mythology (and Bangs’s Gods Of The Night series), Eternal Cravings is for more seasoned paranormal romance readers who want a sensual story with a little more teeth.
Taken By The T-Rex
by Christie Sims & Alara Branwen
“She clutched tightly onto the big lizard’s ****….”
A breezy five thousand and change words, Taken By The T-Rex tells us a story about Drin, the no-nonsense chief huntress of her tribe. She’s haunted by a vision of the destruction of her village by a blood-thirsty Tyrannosaurus Rex. When the vision comes to pass and Drin’s home is destroyed, she goes out to seek revenge. However, when she comes face to face with the ‘big lizard,’ she does something completely unexpected and welcomes the embrace of the beast. Taken By The T-Rex contains plenty of prehistoric action in a bite-sized package.
T-Rex Made Me Gay
by Hunter Fox
“The T-Rex and I made eye contact again, and I knew that from then on, he wouldn’t be bothering my village anymore.”
Hunter Fox doesn’t mince about with words. T-Rex Made Me Gay is described as a “3000 word hardcore gay sex novel.” Soak that in for a moment. In T-Rex Made Me Gay, Harper is the studly ace archer of his tribe and vows to protect his village at any cost. When a male Tyrannosaurus Rex is spotted wandering near the village, Harper goes on the hunt and ends up discovering that the beast is hungry for more than just blood.
Having The Dinosaur’s Baby
by Jane Rowe
“She was thankful he’d seen her as a potential mate rather than a potential meal, all things considered.”
Curvy Jean is a fresh-faced paleontologist dreaming of seeing dinosaurs in the flesh, but while on a class trip to find signs of the ancient continent Pangea, things go terribly wrong. She finds herself rescued by the handsome shape-shifting Vel, who convinces her that she must get pregnant with his baby if they are to survive on this ancient island where shape-shifting dinosaur men reign supreme. In Having The Dinosaur’s Baby: A Paranormal Pregnancy Of Convenience Romance, the modern world and the old world collide in the wild and on the bedroom (cave) floor.
Do you love dinosaurs? Do you love dinosaurs? Let us know in the comments!
Feature Image Credit: Chuck Tingle