Today’s your day if you have ever looked at pigeons and thought, “I wish that was closer to me.” Now you can clutch a pigeon close with this designer pigeon clutch. It’s not quite a purse and not quite a bird. But if you open one wing, it reveals a small compartment that will hold a few personal items and may or may not fit your phone. It will also guarantee that passersby stares at you on the street. Neighborhood pigeons may even cock their heads in your direction. You if you have always wanted to have a pigeon carry your messages, now is your chance. Without all the pesky training and clean up. They are currently sold out, but you can pre-order one for $890.

We saw the fanciful accessory on DesignTAXI, which also brought a Vogue article about the trend to our attention. Check that out for some runway shots of the pigeon clutch in action, along with some other amazingly ridiculous handbags.
Long before the Netflix show Is It Cake? premiered, designers have created accessories that look like food. There’s food-shaped purses, including chocolate, pizza, and ramen styles. Or you can buy a Louis Vuitton bag shaped like an airplane for $39,000. How about purses, flip flops, and other accessories that look like sushi rolls? I actually kind of want those ones.

There’s more to pigeons than their “rats of the sky” reputation would suggest. Many people worldwide train and race homing pigeons. One world-class bird sold for $2 million. And there’s always the nostalgia of The Goodfeathers family from The Animaniacs, who always flocked together. Whatever your reasons, the pigeon clutch can make your weird fashion dreams come true.
Melissa is Nerdist’s science & technology staff writer. She also moderates “science of” panels at conventions and co-hosts Star Warsologies, a podcast about science and Star Wars. Follow her on Twitter @melissatruth.