By design, Google’s homepage is simple. The site was made to search the web, so there’s the Google logo, a search bar, and that’s about it. Sometimes, though, the Google Doodle team jazzes it up a bit by replacing the logo with a special image, which usually honors some sort of current event, historical happening, or special person. The Google Doodle on Friday, September 21 paid tribute to Fred Rogers and his show Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, which taped its first episode on September 21, 1967, 51 years back. Instead of an image, though, we got a two-minute stop-motion video, and it captures all the warmth and love that Rogers set out to represent on his iconic show.
The video is set to the timeless Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood theme song, but instead of changing his shoes in his living room, Rogers is walking around the neighborhood, interacting with children and spreading his message of positivity. Sharp-eyed fans will notice references to the show’s iconic moments and figures, like his pet fish, Mr. McFeely, and the time he and Officer Clemmons, an black man, soaked their feet in a pool together, which was controversial when the segment aired in the ’60s.
A lot of love clearly also went into the making of this short. Every element was treated with attention and care, which was really the only way Rogers did anything.
What do you think of the video? Share your thoughts down in the comments below!
Featured image: googledoodles