MCU Supercut Celebrates the Infinity Saga in Just 2 Minutes

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic shutting down movie theatersOpens in a new tab across the country, this will be the longest we’ve gone without an MCU movie in over a decade. Although we all can’t gather in a theater and enjoy Black WidowOpens in a new tab right now like we are supposed to, we can at least take comfort in revisiting the glories of Marvel Studios films past.

Now, one Marvel fan and YouTuber by the name of Gugga LeunnamOpens in a new tab has created some incredible supercutsOpens in a new tab of action scenes from all 23 MCU films, which they’ve named A Ride Through MCU Action. His latest, which combines nearly every movie in the entire Infinity SagaOpens in a new tab into exactly two minutes, is actually his fifth one overall. And it might be the best one yet.

By including almost every single film in the Marvel Cinematic UniverseOpens in a new tab, Leunnam has reminded us all that even some of the lesser-loved entries in the franchise each have their standout moments that are worth celebrating. I say “almost” every film in the MCU, because I don’t seem to see any reference to The Incredible Hulk in there. Maybe an eagle-eyed viewer can see something that I can’t?

Aside from just being an action edit, Leunnam wisely chose to pepper some of the most memorable bits of dialogue from the films into each of these edits as well. As great as all of the MCU action scenes might be, they don’t add up to much without all the great character moments to go with them. Although these supercuts aren’t the same as having a new MCU film in theaters, they do remind us why this franchise is so special to so very many of us. And make the long wait a wee bit easier.

To check out Leunnam’s other MCU supercuts, be sure to head on over to their YouTube channelOpens in a new tab.

Featured Image: Marvel Studios