Marvel Superhero/Dinosaur Mashup Costumes Are Now for Sale

Spider-Rex was just introduced to Marvel Comics, but you can already buy the inflatable dinosaur costume. And perhaps in a hint of what’s to come in the comics, there’s also a Venomosaurus costume for sale. They debuted at San Diego Comic-Con and are now available from Jazwares for $99.99 each. No matter the time period, Spider-Man and the villainous Venom are ready to face off.

Two inflatable dinosaur costumes face off, one that looks like Spider-Man and the other like Venom.

Marvel’s foray into prehistoric times follows DC Comic’s recent introduction of The Jurassic League. In those, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman are all dinosaurs wearing familiar costumes and defending the world against sinister forces. In Marvel’s case, it seems the themed colors are actually the dinosaur’s skin. And considering we have very few clues into what color dinosaurs were in real life, why not make them red and blue with black spider-shaped markings? Or give them a massive tongue, in the case of Venom. 

Combining dinosaurs and superheroes actually seems logical considering they’re two of the things kids are most into. Not to mention those of us who are still kids at heart. These are adult costumes, after all. The Spider-Rex product description specifies that: “This inflatable costume comes with a pair of detailed Spider-Rex clawed gloves to defend the Savage Land from Venomosaurus. Collect this Spider-Rex costume and fuse ultimate power with ultimate responsibility.”

In the age of social distancing at conventions, maybe a nerdy costume that comes with its own face covering, gloves, and ventilation system is actually a very good idea. Would you wear one of these costumes for Halloween or to the next gathering of geeks? Or even just a parade of inflatable animals?

Melissa is Nerdist’s science & technology staff writer. She also moderates “science of” panels at conventions and co-hosts Star Warsologies, a podcast about science and Star Wars. Follow her on Twitter @melissatruth.