Readers beware, the reboot train of the 2020s continues in 2025. The next property to get this treatment is Little House on the Prairie, whose original TV run lasted from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s. For those who aren’t familiar, the show followed the very traditional and Christian Ingalls family, who lived on a small farm in rural Minnesota in the late 1800s. Based on Laura Ingalls Wilder’s popular book series of the same name, the live-action adaptation became a hit among viewers. Now, Little House on the Prairie is set for a reboot at Netflix.

According to Variety, Rebecca Sonnenshine (The Boys, Archive 81) will be the show’s executive producer and showrunner. It is an interesting choice considering the rather chaotic state of our world and the ongoing push for “traditional/old-school values” that aims to put people into heteronormative social boxes in the name of upholding religious standards that not everyone believes in. The original series was indeed into church, faith, etc., even when it tackled controversial topics within its idealized nuclear family.
Sure, this Little House on the Prairie reboot could go down an unexpected and more liberal-minded pathway, but then it would not quite be the same. A period drama based around these characters could be fun if it is willing to take some big swings, subvert expectations, and challenge period norms while examining trials and tribulations of living off the land. (Seriously, people need to see that the most, since everyone thinks they want to be homesteaders these days.) We shall see which way it sways under Sonnenshine’s oversight.
Anyway, here’s the official logline for this series:
“Part hopeful family drama, part epic survival tale, and part origin story of the American West, this fresh adaptation of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s iconic semi-autobiographical ‘Little House’ books offers a kaleidoscopic view of the struggles and triumphs of those who shaped the frontier.”
Of course, this recent greenlight means there isn’t much more information at this time. Until then, those who want to watch the original series can watch it on Peacock.