MTN DEW has never suffered from a lack of flavorOpens in a new tab. That was true even when we all knew it as Mountain Dew. All those extra vowels and consonants never detracted from its signature taste. But the soft drink company keeps finding new ways to bring its unique flavor profileOpens in a new tab to your mouth. And now it’s doing so by kicking things up even more. MTN DEW is getting into the condiment game with a new limited-edition Baja Blast hot sauce.

For this fiery treat, MTN DEW has partnered with iBurn and “Hot Sauce Boss” James B. They’ve teamed up for a Baja Blast Hot Sauce. (Which we first learned about at ThrillistOpens in a new tab). It’s a special—and spicy—way to celebrate National Hot Sauce Day on January 22. There’s not much mystery as to what customers can expect from this union. The bottle says it’s a “hot sauce with the flavor of Baja Blast.”*
(*No, we will not be making a joke about how it must taste like a gamer’s room after eating Taco Bell. We just won’t. Grow up.)
You won’t be able to just snag a bottle at your local grocer, though. Only 750 fans will be lucky enough to snag a 5-ounce bottle through MTN DEW’s online contest. If you want to enter head to the hot sauce’s official site for rules on how. (It’s really easy.) We expect a whole lot of people to enter, so it’ll be tough to win. It’ll also be worth it. But in addition to a bottle, those lucky few will also get a Baja Blast taco holder.
As unlikely as this seems, it isn’t the first hot sauce from MTN DEW. The company released a Hot Habanero hot sauce in 2020 with Philadelphia 76ers star Joel EmbiidOpens in a new tab.
For a company that has never needed to worry about flavor, MTN DEW sure does find a lot of ways to add even more to its products. Good luck getting your Baja Blast Hot Sauce.