You Need These JURASSIC PARK Themed Dice

Have you ever wanted to roll for initiative with an amber dice containing a mosquito? Then you’re in luck, because dice maker Enrica Martiné is making the Jurassic ParkOpens in a new tab roleplaying dice you need. As well as some rad Breaking Bad and It inspired dice. We want them all. These sets are all part of Martiné’s new Kickstarter for diceOpens in a new tab inspired by Enneagram personality types. You might be a reformer, helper, or achiever. Whatever your personality type, Martiné has designed a set just for you. Or, if you’d rather consider the Enneagram type for the character you’re rolling for you can get dice to match.

Jurassic Park mosquito dice

Enrica Martiné

Alternatively, you can back whichever sets of dice you think look pretty frickin’ cool. Like the Jurassic Park ones, which are a bonus set for dinosaur lovers containing individually crafted (not real) mosquitoes. You can’t lose no matter how you choose. And regardless you’ll be the happy new owner of stunning dice for your next game of Dungeons & DragonsOpens in a new tab or other d20 based roleplaying game.

Enneagram Dice by Enrica Martiné

Enrica Martiné

The Enneagram types are nine basic personality types, determined by a questionnaire, charted on a circleOpens in a new tab. Martiné used that circle to create nine unique dice designs. You can take the personality testOpens in a new tab or read the detailed descriptions of each type to determine which dice speaks to you. Or, you know, choose your favorite color. No judgments here.

Martiné also designed four additional bonus sets of dice. There are the amber Jurassic Park ones we mentioned and a bright blue Breaking Bad stack that would make Walter White smile with pride. Then there’s an It set with swirling blood and a striking black and white/yin and yang set.

Dice by Enrica Martiné

Enrica Martiné

Once you choose the sharp-edged dice set that speaks you to, you can customize the dice even further by selecting the ink color. Martiné casts, sands, and paints each dice by hand in a home studio. You can add your supportOpens in a new tab with as little as £5 for a randomly selected d20, or £39 for one complete set of seven dice. Don’t miss your chance to add even more personality to your D&D characterOpens in a new tab!

Featured Image: Enrica Martiné

Kelly Knox is a freelance entertainment writer in Seattle, WA who writes for Star Wars, DC Comics, and more. Follow her on TwitterOpens in a new tab and tell her which dice set you picked.