This POKÉMON Playground Invites You to Live Your Best Life

Who among us doesn’t love a playground? Swing sets, slides, and jungle gyms come together to bring back all the fun of childhood. But now, this Pokémon playground in Japan seriously challenges all other playgrounds to do better. Some might say it’s the best playground… Like no other playground ever was.

Lucky or Chansey Pokemon Playground in Japan featuring a big Chansey and other pokemon.
The Pokémon Company

This Pokémon playground is located in Namie Town, Fukushima. The name of the park translates to “Lucky Park.” However, in Japanese, Chansey is called ラッキー or “Lucky.” So we suspect the playground is actually titled “Chansey Park.” Named for its towering Chansey jungle gym. The Chansey stands at six meters tall. We hope that Chansey is extremely lucky. And we hope it shares some of its good fortune and happiness. Chanseys can do that, you know.

Cleffa and Igglybuff in the pokemon playground
Pikachu bench from the Pokemon Playground in Japan

The playground’s description shares that alongside Chansey, the playground features other Pokémon that are pink and cute. We spy, Happiny, Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Lickitung. Of course, everyone’s favorite Pokémon Pikachu also makes an electrifying appearance. We’d miss him if he didn’t. Plus, Pikachu has a high adorable factor of his own. We can’t exactly say the same for the Wingulls that also feature in the park. But hey, maybe their fellow birds will enjoy them.

Chansey pokemon swings from the Pokemon playground

Our favorite thing in the Pokémon playground? It has to be the exceptional Lickitung slide. That thing really just begs a photo op. Who hasn’t dreamed of sliding down a Lickitung’s tongue? And this park wants to make your dreams come true. The Licki-tongue beckons.

Lickitung slide

Additionally, it sounds like more Pokémon playgrounds will open around Japan soon. And their swings will have different designs. We look forward to seeing which Pokémon get featured there. Crossing our fingers for some Eevee. An Eeveelution park sounds amazing to us. We’ll arrive first in line… after we jump off the Chansey swings that is.