See an Intro Reel for Disney’s Unmade HAUNTED MANSION Animated TV Series

If you have found your way out of the Haunted MansionOpens in a new tab in a mortal state, you probably got right back in line to take the risk of getting trapped again. The Disney ParksOpens in a new tab attraction makes living with 999 happy haunts look incredibly appealing. They have endless ballroom dancing, a fortune teller, and a graveyard party–all packed with intriguing characters and backstory. And a Haunted Mansion animated series by Kubo and the Two StringsOpens in a new tab writer Shannon Tindle would have spent time with them.

Via Cartoon BrewOpens in a new tab, Tindle shared his intro reel for the unmade series. I’m all about this art style and tone from the familiar opening notes. Watch:

Disney didn’t move forward with this take though. Tindle told Nerdist, “I’d written three drafts total, one for an ongoing series and two for a limited series (both featuring the same main characters). We’d begun early visual development work and were starting to put a schedule together. Disney was always very excited and supportive, but it’s a big company with lots of divisions and I believe they had other plans for the property. I have nothing but gratitude for the freedom I was given to explore such a wonderful property.”

Tindle was planning to take inspiration from all the backstories created by Imagineering, and as mentioned above, was going to focus on the various characters over the course of the series. “There are lots of incredible characters in the Haunted Mansion and I wanted to take a stab at including several: the Hitchhiking Ghosts, the Hatbox Ghost, the Bride, etc. However, I was most excited by two original characters I created for the series and how they would interact with and be changed by the Haunted Mansion,” he explained.

I like the idea of participating in the story alongside new characters. It would give fans a way to enrich their Haunted Mansion experience; the possibilities are well-suited to a TV series. What do you think about the look of this potential Haunted Mansion series? What would you like to see in a TV show based on the attraction? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Image: Shannon Tindle, Disney TV Animation News

Amy Ratcliffe is an Associate Editor for Nerdist. Follow her on TwitterOpens in a new tab and keep up with her Disney food adventures on InstagramOpens in a new tab.