HARRY POTTER Fans Think This Hogwarts Bathroom Info Dump Stinks

Ah Hogwarts, the wizarding world’s most famous institute of learning, a school we wish we could have attended ourselves. It’s a wondrous, beautiful castle where young wizards and witches master skills like potion making, transfiguration, and casting spells. It’s a place where anything seems possible, including how for hundreds of years it was accepted practice to drop your pants, defecate wherever you want, and “vanish” the evidence.No, seriously, that’s how students used to relieve themselves before the school implemented plumbing in the eighteenth century, thousands of years after Muggles invented it. On today’s Nerdist News, host Jessica Chobot explains why this is one news dump Harry Potter lovers wish they could obliviate from their minds, because almost everyone agrees, it stinks.

[brightcove video_id=”5987205147001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”rJs2ZD8x”]You can safely say the internet is overreacting to something about 99.99% of the time, but it’s hard to swallow this unnecessary bit of expanded universe building from J.K. Rowling. Plumbing has been around a long time. How can we digest the idea wizards were too good to adopt Muggles poop pots? Do magical beings have no shame? Do they have no sense of smell? This….this makes no sense. We feel like Gilderoy Lockhart at St. Mungo’s right now.This crappy news wasn’t all bad though. We did get to come up with a bunch of Harry Potter bathroom puns, which was fun, but only because there wasn’t a wizard pooping on the floor next to us while we were writing them.What do you think about this? Is this the worst thing Pottermore has ever revealed? Or do you like Hogwarts old free-range pooping? Tell us why in the comments below.