One thing Game of Thrones got right in its final season was an element the show always excelled at – it had amazing costumes. For eight seasons the clothes worn by the lords and ladies of Westeros were consistenly incredible, full of rich details and unique character elements, and they will be celebrated in one of Insight Editions upcoming books looking back at the Seven Kingdoms. And the first look at Game of Thrones: The Costumes offers up much more than just images of gorgeous outfits. It shares the stories, work, and ideas that went into their creation.

Available on November 12, 2019 ($75.00), Game of Thrones: The Costumes (which you can pre-order now) comes from the show’s costume designer Michele Clapton and New York Times best-selling author Gina McIntyre. It looks at “the incredible artistry involved in creating each outfit, with beautifully detailed photographs of the costumes and behind-the-scenes” information on their meaning. Based on this initial look inside it will appeal to fans of both costume design and Game of Thrones itself.

In addition to getting a look at Tyrion and Cersei’s costumes, there’s a lot from the Starks and their allies. This of course includes Sansa, whose clothes got progressively better and better in the later seasons. The crown she wore during her Queen in the North christening was based on a clasp her brother Robb wore at the Red Wedding. This is the kind of detail that makes this book feel like a must-have for the show’s biggest fans.

We also get a look at Arya and Brienne’s more fighting-focused costumes. They both look fearsome and imposing even in illustrated form.

The final season’s surprise villain, Daenerys Targaryen, also looks regal in her white Northern garb. Originally though it was far more armored, including metal scales on her arm that were ultimately dropped. That would have been very cool to see, but she really could have used a metal breastplate in the finale.

Even photos of armor and dresses without any information behind their creation are stunning to look at just for the craftsmanship that went into making them

And you know the best part about these costumes? We don’t have to think about the final season when we look at them. We can all enjoy them without having to think what was happening when they were worn.
Featured Image: Insight Editions