The FINAL FANTASY VII Remake Is Here and We Can’t Even

So glad we made it look how far we’ve come, my baby… Yes, today, after what feels like foreverOpens in a new tab, the long-awaited, highly-anticipated, and absolutely gorgeous lookOpens in a new tab at the Final Fantasy VII HD remake has arrived on Tifa’s internet and we’re already completely and utterly obsessed.

Originally announced at E3 in 2015, news on the remake has been pretty non-existent, but as the new teaser proves it won’t be long till we’re all teenagers again but this time all our faves look very very shiny. The shock reveal came during Sony’s second “State of Play” presentation and it immediately set the internet on alight.

Though it’s barely over a minute the trailer offers a lot for fans to pick apart. Cloud Strife is front and center with some incredibly fluffy HD hair. He’s joined by other members of the heroic eco-terrorist collective known as AVALANCHE. They enter a very familiar looking facility that seems to be a riff on an iconic scene from the original. We also got a brief look at flower girl, Aeris, and the game’s updated fighting mechanics which unsurprisingly appear pretty similar to director Tetsuya Nomura’s other recent offering, Kingdom Hearts 3.

It looks like we’ll be getting more info in June and via a message on Twitter, Nomura shared “Most of the plans are already in place in the run-up to launch, so please bear with us a little longer until we can release more information next month” With Sony dropping out of E3 this year and FFVII publisher Square Enix taking their prime spot on Monday, June 10, at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET, it’s pretty likely that we’ll see the remake headlining that presentation in just under a month. Did you have a favorite moment from the teaser? Can’t wait to see more of big bad Sephiroth and his flowing white locks? Keep your eyes peeled cos it probably won’t be too long till the high-definition wonders of the new Final Fantasy VII appear on our screens again.

Images: Square Enix