Spice Up Your Halloween Decor with DIY Poison Bottles

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Halloween decor doesn’t have to be expensive, the most crafty objects can be made from some truly unremarkable things. One person’s trash is another person’s poison bottle.

These gorgeously creepy apothecary bottles are made from everyday objects like empty vitamin bottles and spice containers. A bit of glue gunning, followed by black chalk paint plus a little extra color are all you need to create these spectacular Halloween pieces.

DIY Halloween poison jars-09302015

Imagine placing these around a buffet table at your party, disgustingly gorgeous! Trash to treasure, these eerie works of art are sure to liven up… or deaden, any Halloween party.

Get the complete Poison Bottles DIY from Magia Mia.

Would poison bottles complete your Halloween decor? Let us know in the comments and tag @geekandsundry and @justjennrecipes on instagram to show us your creations!

images: Magia Mia