Watch These Cosplayers Read Stories for #CoronaStorytime

If there’s anything positive that’s come out of the life disruptions caused by COVID-19, it’s the fact that all around the world, there have been contributions to helping entertain kids stuck at home. Amazon recently made their entire kids video catalog free for all members to stream, J.K. Rowling partnered with various publishing companies to introduce a hub of interactive magic and free audiobooks called Harry Potter at Home, and celebrities such as Amy Adams, Jennifer Garner, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Chris Evans picked up books to read to kids as part of the Save With Stories program. Now, cosplayers are suiting up to help thanks to #CoronaStorytime, an initiative inspired by a tweet that called on cosplayers to help a friend who had to cancel a family trip to Disneyland.

Since the initial callout, #CoronaStorytime has inspired dozens of kid-friendly characters ranging from Marvel Avengers to DC crimefighters to Disney princesses and even heroes from a galaxy far, far away to share their stories with the world. Here are a few of our favorites — we recommend searching the hashtag for even more fun characters and stories!


Listen to the spunky Wayfinder read the story of Moana, and become inspired by how she stayed true to herself to save her family’s island and restore the heart of Te Fiti.


Gotham’s hero takes time out of his crime fighting duties to read the The Monster at the End of This Book, starring the lovable Grover. Who knew Batman’s favorite place was Sesame Street? We learn something new every day.

Black Widow

Many heroes are grounded right now, and unfortunately, the Avengers are no exception. But that doesn’t mean they still can’t help out in times of need. It’s a good thing spies know how to keep busy, because we get to hear Black Widow read her favorite book, Dragons Love Tacos.


Deadpool isn’t exactly family-friendly. Or is he? We’ll let you be the judge after watching Wade read Claire and the Unicorn: Happy Ever After. Sure, Deadpool breaks into a home for the storytime, but he’s so charming about it that we think we can forgive him.


The Avengers aren’t the only ones staying inside — the Teen Titans are quarantined as well. Which means Starfire has time to share a story called Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth with us.

The Mandalorian (and Baby Yoda)

Even Baby Yoda needs story time! And what’s a better story for The Mando read than My Daddy and Me? Grab a chair, some soup, and settle in for some quality father bonding time.


Rapunzel reads us her own story…and even sings one of our favorite songs! It’s the perfect pick-me-up from one of the most optimistic and empowering Disney princesses — one who understands just what it feels like to be quarantined for a long time.


Who better to remind us to always have hope than Rey? (And BB-8, who suggested the chosen story of The Giving Tree.) The popular kids book may be an ancient Jedi text, but it’s an important one.

If you’re a cosplayer with a favorite book to share, consider adding your voice to the mix! To participate, all you need to do is read a story as your character and then share the video on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the #CoronaStorytime hashtag so parents and kids can easily find it.

Cosplay is already a special kind of hobby because most people dress up as characters they’re passionate about, or characters who they specifically connect with. It’s heartwarming and comforting to see cosplayers coming together to share those connections with others, using their alter ego heroes to become real heroes as they spread some much needed positivity and brightness to kids around the world.

Featured Image: YouTube/Party Like A Princess Co.

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