This CASTLE IN THE SKY Robot Figure is an Essential Studio Ghibli Collectible

Remember the scene from Studio Ghibli’s Castle In The Sky when the giant Laputan robot, who was dormant not that long before, basically destroys the castle by itself despite heavy enemy fire? That scene alone solidifies the robot as perhaps the most badass Ghibli character of all time (feel free to fight us on that in the comments). For all the times you’ve watched the movie and dreamed about how cool it would be to have one of those for yourself, today is your lucky day, because Bandai has you covered (via Kotaku).

The Japanese toymaker has created a fully poseable figure, and it looks absolutely true to what we’ve watched on screen so many times, but, you know, smaller. It stands at about 4.5 inches tall, and while 7,560 yen (about $68) might seem steep for a model of this size, it’s diminutive stature doesn’t mean that any details were overlooked. We mean, just look at how dang poseable this thing is:


That’s 57 points of articulation in action, meaning that you can put this thing in pretty much any position you want to. It also comes with replaceable arms, so you can put this guy in winged mode and let him soar (please don’t actually throw this beautiful robot). The figure is set to ship in October, but you can go ahead and pre-order now.

Assuming Bandai will ship these figures outside of Japan, are you planning on scooping one up? Do you have any other impressive Ghibli figures you want to show off? Hit us up on Twitter and let’s talk.

Images: Bandai