Is it too early to start talking about a Bumblebee sequel? Never! With an unprecedented overwhelmingly positive reception from critics so far, the Transformers spin-off is already getting fans buzzing about where the movies could go next. And unsurprisingly, most of the people involved have thoughts.As Nerdist’s Danielle Radford discovered, director Travis Knight tried to get most of his favorite childhood action figures included in at least brief cameos, but there was one he deliberately left out, and would love to spotlight next time. Which one is it? Here’s a clue: he has been seen in at least one previous movie.
[brightcove video_id=”5981631851001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”rJs2ZD8x”]Jorge Lendeborg Jr., who plays Hailee Steinfeld’s would-be boyfriend Memo, has his own ideas, and they feature a brand-new character you’ve never heard of before…because a fellow cast member came up with it. We’ll just say that said costar apparently has a real potty mouth.And then there’s John Cena, who gets asked sequel questions on a totally different track. Will the master of the five-knuckle shuffle ever bring his doctorate in Thuganomics out of mothballs to rap about robots? Lest you forgot, Cena does have a platinum-selling hip-hop album under his (spinning) belt, but that was a while ago. Would he have what it takes, for example, to win a rap battle with Blur? Or would he just skip straight to an Attitude Adjuster?Check out the video for answers to these pressing questions and more. Then give us your thoughts on what you’d like to see in a potential sequel in comments below!