Andrew Garfield’s had a ridiculously busy last year or so. In 2021, he starred in two Oscar-nominated films, The Eyes of Tammy Faye and tick, tick…BOOM!, securing a Best Actor nomination for the latter. Plus he spent most of the year pretending he wasn’t reprising his role as Peter Parker in multiversal box-office smash hit Spider-Man: No Way Home. And he’s already back on the press circuit. This time, he’s fronting the FX series Under the Banner of Heaven. The series, based on the true-crime book by Jon Krakauer, sees Garfield’s detective investigating the murder of a young mormon woman and her infant in ’80s Utah. But when all this wraps up, Andrew Garfield is taking a break from acting. And, whew, does he need one.

Speaking with Variety, Garfield mentioned his plans to chill out for a bit during his acting break. He revealed, “I’m going to rest for a little bit. I need to recalibrate and reconsider what I want to do next and who I want to be and just be a bit of a person for a while. Because, as you know, that is a washing machine, that awards season.”
Awards season is fun to watch from afar—as chaos always reigns—but it does seem quite exhausting. Under all the glamour, there’s a lot of crisscrossing around the world for events and a whole other round of press. For Andrew Garfield specifically, this meant coming face to face with all the journalists and talk show hosts he tried to lie to about Spider-Man. At that point, his very well-received appearance in the film was something everyone wanted to talk about. But he’s extremely good-humored so it was fun hearing him talk about trying very hard to keep the secret.

Spoken like a true Peter Parker, he added, “I need to just be a bit ordinary for a while.”
Good for you, Andrew Garfield. I hope he grabs a pair of f*** you flip flops, a book, and takes a nice trip to the beach. That certainly sounds relaxing enough! After a nice refresher, he’ll be back soon enough. Whether it’s to don the Spidey suit again or tackle yet another twisty genre, we’ll be ready.