This sure feels like something out of Dungeons & Dragons, or The Legend of Zelda. Meet Phantom, a 7-year-old Shire breed horse, who stands tall (very tall) at nearly 7 feet in height. He currently lives at a Maryland rescue center, and he’s become quite the internet celebrity. All because of a TikTok video showing off his enormous height, which has garnered some thirteen million views.
In the video, you can see that Phantom totally dwarfs his human handler. He makes them look positively Hobbit-sized in comparison. We’re not sure who named him Phantom, since unlike something spectral he is very hard to miss. We’re guessing “Godzilla” or “Kong” was a little too on the nose. At least his caretakers don’t dress him like an AT-AT, like some other folks have done to their horse. You can watch the full video of this freakishly large mount right here.
@gentlegiantsdraftrescue Have you met Phantom yet? At 7 years old, this handsome Shire stands at 20.1 hands tall! #bigasshorse #gentlegiant #shirehorse #draftrescue
♬ Good Day - Nappy Roots
Phantom moved to the Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue in Maryland, after he got so large that he outgrew his previous stables. And Phantom definitely needs all that extra space, as he weighs a jaw-dropping 2,000lb and measures just under 7-feet-tall. Lauren Nation, director of development at Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue, told NewsFlare “We can’t take Phantom anywhere without crowds coming over to stand next to him and get a picture of the giant horse. Many people can’t believe there are horses as big as him.”

Despite his gigantic stature, Phantom is not the biggest horse on record. That award goes to the more appropriately named Big Jake. A Belgian horse, Guinness World Records recognized him as the world’s tallest horse living horse, until he died earlier this year. After the passing of Big Jake, Guinness World Records names Sampson (also known as Mammoth) as the tallest and heaviest horse in the world. It seems likely that one day Phantom will get his shot at World Records glory.