Many of us who played with Star Wars toys as kids had our favorite vehicle. And our top three were usually the Millennium Falcon, Vader’s TIE fighter, or Luke Skywalker’s X-wing fighter. So for all of you out there that miss your old Kenner Star Wars toys, and now spend lots of money as adults to replace them with better, fancier versions, there’s really no better version than this.
Via IGN, we’ve learned that an original X-wing miniature prop from A New Hope just sold at auction for a whopping $2.3 million. The X-wing was part of the Prop Store Hollywood Memorabilia Auction. Here, a metric ton of amazing pieces of cinema history became available to fans with deep pockets. Among those items is an actual working Gizmo animatronic from Gremlins. These were just the tip of the iceberg when it came to this auction.
Here’s how the official listing describes the X-wing miniature:
An original screen-matched ‘Red Leader’ X-wing Starfighter model miniature created by Industrial Light & Magic for George Lucas’ Star Wars: A New Hope. Red Leader played heavily in the film’s final battle sequence. The character wore a unique gold-colored helmet and his X-wing fighter was marked with a single red stripe on each wing, signifying his call sign as Red One.
They later adapted this X-wing model later in the production into a Biggs Darklighter’s (Red Three) model. They accomplished this by adding additional stripes to the wings and some additional paintwork. Although the ships exploded in the Death Star battle over Yavin IV scene, the model actually remained intact. Although there were “pyro models” just to explode on screen, this one survived production unscathed. Sure, it may not be Luke’s Red 5 model. But this is nevertheless one amazing piece of Star Wars history that any fan would want.