MAC AND ME Finally (?) Gets Figure and Pin Collection

It’s always heartwarming to see a film that initially bombed finally get the respect — and the kitschy merchandise — that its deserves. Yes, even when that film is Mac and MeOpens in a new tab, a 1988 E.T.-rip off known for its egregiously blatant product placements for Coca-Cola, Skittles (Reese’s Pieces had been done already, obviously), and McDonald’s. Because really, who doesn’t want a cute figure or a enamel pin of this crummy looking little weirdo?

Of course, the film’s newfound cult status is probably thanks to the fact that it’s been the crux of an elaborate decade-long prank engineered by actor Paul RuddOpens in a new tab, who brings the same clip from Mac and Me every single time he appears on any show hosted by Conan O’BrienOpens in a new tab. I’ll let you watch the magic for yourself:

And yes, he even did it when promotingOpens in a new tab Ant-ManOpens in a new tab. My dude is committed.

Anyway, you’re not here for Paul Rudd, you’re here for Mac! Today the Bottleneck GalleryOpens in a new tab in Williamsburg has unveiled their first collaboration with sculptor ClaynextOpens in a new tab: a small run series of handmade Mac and Me inspired sculpturesOpens in a new tab.

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Unfortunately are only 20 of these bad boys in existence, so odds are you’re not going to get a chance to purchase one for yourself unless you’re selected via Bottleneck’s lottery system. But at the very least, you’ll definitely have an easier time picking up their limited edition series Mac enamel pin for $10Opens in a new tab. Also, I guess you could get yourself a Happy Meal and live vicariously through that dining experience, if you’re really desperate.

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Be sure to check out the rest of Bottleneck’s new products, including some sweet Red Cup and Unicorn Frappuchino-inspired Starbucks pinsOpens in a new tab, over at their website.Opens in a new tab

Have you ever seen Mac and Me in its entirety? Tell us about the experience in the comments below.

Images: Bottleneck Gallery NYC