One of the greatest science-fiction film-noir thrillers of all time is Blade Runner, and against all odds, it somehow even managed to get an amazing sequel 35 years later. But we just might be on the verge of yet another epic science-fiction themed detective story, albeit one just a tad more goofy, if the trailers for the upcoming Detective Pikachu are any indication. Naturally, someone decided to bring these two properties together for a an epic fan trailer. Via the folks at Polygon, we’ve learned about YouTube user Adam Butcher’s mash-up of Blade Runner 2049 and Pikachu, and the results are pretty spectacular.
Of course, having Harrison Ford as the voice of Pikachu instead or Ryan Reynolds makes complete sense, and hearing that grumpy old man voice coming out of that little yellow furball’s mouth instead of Reynolds is off-putting and hilarious in its own special way. Justice Smith’s Tim Goodman as the analog for for Ryan Gosling’s replicant Blade Runner K also seems like a narrative no-brainer.There are other nice touches throughout the trailer as well, like giant neon Pokémart signage plastered on the buildings of future Los Angeles, in an homage to the aesthetic of the original Ridley Scott classic. Fun Easter eggs for fans of both Blade Runner and Pokémon include the Tyrell Corporation poster in Tim’s bedroom, and some spliced-in footage of a Jigglypuffs sign near Ryan Gosling’s apartment in future Los Angeles. And there are even more cool surprises like that to spot for the eagle-eyed viewer.The real Detective Pikachu hits theaters on May 10, 2019. Let us know in comments if you’ve already marked your calendar.
Images: Warner Bros.