These Service Dogs Train by Going to the Theater

We obviously do not deserve dogs, but we are forever grateful to have them. And while we are loathe to pick a favorite type of pupper, we have a special place in our hearts for service doggos. They help owners who sometimes need assistance navigating the world, which requires a lot of difficult doggy training so they can remain disciplined in ways other pets never could. They’re also really freaking adorable, and nothing might be cuter than this picture of service dogs training by taking a night in at the theater.

The Stratford Festival theater in Stratford, Ontario, Canada shared these wonderful photos (we first saw at Fox KTVU2) of some very well-behaved dogs sitting in the audience for one of their showings of Billy Elliot. The service animals to-be must grow accustomed to sitting in a theater as part of their training, and reports from the theater say they all did extremely well. That included getting up at intermission before returning to their seats for the second half.

This particular show was one of the company’s Relaxed Performances, “which are specifically designed to welcome patrons who will benefit from a less restricted audience environment.”

“Patrons of all abilities are welcome, including but not limited to those with intellectual or learning disabilities, sensory processing conditions or autism. There is a relaxed attitude to noise and movement within the auditorium, and some minor production changes may be made to reduce the intensity of light, sound and other potentially startling effects. Babes in arms are also welcome to our relaxed performances. “

We can’t think of anything more relaxing for anyone than watching a musical with a theater full of well-behaved, adorable dogs. Although, does this mean before they graduate they have to quietly get through one very specific musical?

Even for the best trained service dog that would take some real discipline to sit through.

Featured Image: Universal Pictures

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