VALLEY GIRL Available Digitally For the First Time

Martha Coolidge’s Valley Girl is one of the best ’80s teen moviesOpens in a new tab even though it’s lesser known than some of its cultural counterparts. Luckily, that’s all about to change as MGMOpens in a new tab announced that it’s releasing the underrated 1983 Nic Cage classic on digital platforms like Amazon Prime VideoOpens in a new tab, iTunesOpens in a new tab, VUDUOpens in a new tab and FandangoNOWOpens in a new tab for first time ever!

If you don’t know about the hilarious and heartfelt ’80s flick, you’ll likely know Valley Girl’s theme song I Melt With You by Modern English—which you can listen to above—that’s still a radio staple to this day. The gorgeous movie follows high schooler Julie (Deborah Foreman) who goes on a personal journey after dumping her annoyingly preppy boyfriend. Cage plays a Hollywood punk named Randy, who falls for Julie and creates a tumultuous culture shock in her valley girl friendship group. Though it all sounds as if it could be a bit Mean Girls, one of the strengths of Valley Girl is how kind, thoughtful, and sweet the film is at every turn.

Nick Cage Classic VALLEY GIRL Available Digitally For the First Time_1

MGMOpens in a new tab

If you’re looking for an easy breezy watch that also features a sterling early Nic CageOpens in a new tab performance then this is a must. Valley Girl offers up an enjoyable nostalgia trip whilst also showcasing the talents of Coolidge and her young cast! It’s also a delightful trip back to ’80s LA. The film delivers on what the title hints at, following its young cast around Los Angeles as they fall in and out of love, trying to stay true to themselves and fighting back against the cruel societal rules that say a valley girl and a Hollywood punk could never find love. Guess what, fate? When young Nic CageOpens in a new tab in a vest is involved, don’t bet against him!

Basically Valley Girl is the perfect, funny, charming, and romantic self-isolation watch… even though it will probably make you want to grab a burger and fries and dance with your best friends.

Header Image: MGM